Friday 13 December 2013

Ebuka!! Really!!!

Mysterious 'white widow' eludes police in Africa

Fugitive Briton Samantha Lewthwaite, dubbed the "white widow" by some news media, whom Interpol has issued an arrest notice for.

She is called the most wanted woman in the world, a suspected terrorist charged with plotting to blow up resort hotels in Kenya packed with Christmas tourists, a Westerner who wrote an ode praising Osama bin Laden, a jihadist who has eluded the law even as she has traveled through Africa with four young children in tow.

Samantha Lewthwaite's saga is one of betrayal and revenge in a murky world where, somehow, a white woman born to a British soldier becomes a Muslim convert and then an international fugitive accused of conspiracy.

Her first husband blew himself up as part of Britain's worst ever terrorist attack in 2005, an act she first condemned — and her second partner adhered to the same militant brand of Islam and also apparently met an early death. Her notebooks, seized in 2011, are filled with lavish praise for extremists who slaughter civilians and hopes that her children will do the same.

And yet, since she disappeared some months after the London bombing, no one can say how the "white widow" became radicalized, moving from mainstream Islam to a "holy war" against the West — or why she would embrace a movement that denies a woman's right to education and other basic liberties.

"That is the mystery," said Niknam Hussain, a community organizer and former Aylesbury mayor. There was never a hint that Lewthwaite had chosen jihad during her years in Aylesbury, the small English city 40 miles (65 kilometers) northwest of London where she grew up.

"What was the journey from there to here?" asked Hussain. "I don't think you wake up radical. One is educated, inculcated, pulled into it. This is a small community. One would hope that if anything unusual was going on someone somewhere would have noticed it. No one seems able to paint a picture of what happened. What is her role? What does she do?

"We're at a loss."

Khloe Kardashian Filing for Divorce -- TODAY!!!

Khloe Kardashian is filing for divorce from Lamar Odom ... TODAY ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us, Khloe will be citing irreconcilable differences in her legal docs. The split should be pretty cut and dry -- an ironclad prenup which kept all their assets separate ... and no kids.

As we reported, Lamar's bizarre freestyle rap video -- in which he brags about cheating on Khloe -- was the last straw in their crumbling relationship.  Immediately after TMZ posted the video last month, Khloe stopped wearing her wedding ring.

The end was a long time coming ... Khloe had expressed dire concerns about the marriage ever since she learned about Lamar's crack addiction earlier this year, but she forestalled divorce for fear he'd OD or worse.

Lamar and Khloe tied the knot in September 2009.

Kanye West -- BLASTED BY OHIO POLICE CHIEF... How Dare You Compare Yourself to Cops!

A police chief in Ohio is GOING OFF on Kanye West -- tearing the guy apart for comparing himself to cops and soldiers ... saying Kanye has NO CLUE about the real dangers they face.

The cop with the beef is Brimfield Police Chief David Oliver ... who says he was listening when Kanye told a media outlet that he puts his life on the line at his rap concerts ... just like cops and soldiers.

Chief Oliver was so angry, he posted an open letter to West on the department's Facebook page ... saying, "You sir, are as misguided as they come."

The majority of the letter is dripping in sarcasm, mocking Kanye for the ridiculous comparison:

"Since you are accustomed to danger, from your life as an international rapper, I am strongly encouraging you immediately abandon you career as a super star and join the military."

"After joining, I would like you to volunteer to be deployed in Afghanistan or one of the numerous other forward locations where our men an women are currently serving. When the Taliban starts shooting at you, perhaps you could stand up and let the words flow."

"I’m sure they would just drop weapons and surrender. You could quite possibly end all wars, just from the enemy being star-struck."

The letter ends, "What I do not get is you EVER comparing what you do for a living to our heroic military members, who are always in harm’s way… and my brother and sister police officers who have to go to work carrying weapons and wearing a bullet-proof vest to protect themselves."

"Check yourself, before you wreck yourself….Chief Oliver."

RMD's Son's Traditional Marriage

Oghenekome Mofe Damijo (RMD's 30 year old son) married his longtime girlfriend, Eniola Abiodun, in a traditional wedding ceremony which held yesterday being Thursday Dec. 12th at the bride's family home in Ikeja. Their white wedding will hold tomorrow Saturday Dec. 14th in Lagos.

Tonto Dikeh: “I’m Shameless Though” | Caption This Photo

We’ve seen her looking soft and sensual; we’ve most definitely seen her looking fierce and a tiny bit dangerous; but this… We’re really going to need your help to caption this photo of Nollywood star Tonto Dikeh.

Share your thoughts!

Chimamanda Adichie Features On “Flawless” in BEYONCÉ | iTunes Misspells Her Name!

Let’s file this under – “while you were sleeping”.

BeyoncĂ© Giselle Knowles-Carter aka Queen Bey amongst her stans, released a self-titled “visual album”, the 5th in her solo career, today – Friday December 13, 2013 exclusively sold on iTunes.

Nigeria’s very own – esteemed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie features on track 11, called Flawless, that starts with a snippet of track Bow Down, before transitioning into a rousing feminist speech by the author, then the new song.

For the video treatment, the author didn’t make an appearance.

Chimamanda says,
“We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller
We say to girls – you can have ambition, but not too much
You should aim to be successful but not too successful otherwise you will threaten the man
Because I am female I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important
A marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support
But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?
We raise girls to see each other as competitors not for jobs or for accomplishments,
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are
Feminist: A person who believes in the economic, social and political equality of the sexes.”
What a rousing message! Our only gripe though? Chimamanda’s name is misspelled on iTunes – Adichie is missing the second ‘i’ (see photo). Hopefully they correct it before the day runs out.

Have you heard the new track/album? What do you think?!